http://GoSphero.com From the beach to the bonfire, Sphero is 100% summer compatible. As the worlds first app-controlled robotic ball, Sphero is ready for any adventure. Race Sphero down the boardwalk, battle against augmented reality zombies with frien...
A Libyan warplane has crashed into a block of flats during a military display in the eastern city of Tobruk, killing the pilot and two residents and injuring nine others. … Let the pictures do the talking: subscribe to No Comment http://www.youtube.com...
Ukrainian protest group Femen pose topless in a demonstration against Putins attendance at the 10th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) being held in Milan, Italy. … Let the pictures do the talking: subscribe to No Comment http://www.youtube.com/subscription_ce...
August 1 (Bloomberg) -- Supermodel Petra Nemcova discusses her new brand that will be sold in Bergdorf Goodman. She speaks on Bloomberg Televisions Market Makers. (Source: Bloomberg) -- Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Bloomber...
With one week in Prague, we hit the ground running trying to see and experience as much as we could in the Golden City. We had high expectations and Pragues beauty and charm managed to exceed all of them. Its a city we thoroughly enjoyed and wanted to ...
Prag, eine der schönsten Hauptstädte Europas; erlebt an einem verlängerten Wochenende im September 2013. Prague is a dynamic, engaging metropolis with countless beautiful and interesting sights.
Brian Chong Photography - http://www.brianchong.com Please Like our Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/bchongwedding Brian Chong Photography 提供加拿大 Canada、 歐洲 Europe、 意大利Italy、 法國France、 布拉格Prague、 日本 Japan、沖繩 Okinawa、韓國 Korea、澳洲 Australia、悉尼Sydney...
舊城廣場‧Staroměstské nám (Old Town Square) 舊城廣場向來是布拉格的核心所在,已是各國觀光客來到布拉格必遊地點。它也是布拉格之春和藍絲絨革命等政治改革運動的發起地點。遊客都慣稱這舊城廣場為--布拉格廣場。而布拉格廣場上有名的天文鐘又是布拉格廣場上的重要地標。天文鐘有三個鐘盤,下方是月曆盤,上方是時鐘和黃道,不過真正讓它聞名的是在天文鐘下方繪有十二宮圖的咕咕鐘,每到整點會打開鐘門報時,接著耶穌的12門徒人偶像會走出鐘門繞一圈,表演一下報時秀。 查理四世大橋‧Karlů...
Are you planning to participate in the Prague Marathon? Take a tour before the marathon with our running guides to get the best advice from the locals who know the race and trail! Book the tour at http://www.czechrunningtours.com
Czech Running Tours supports DAVID CHRISTOF and his 30 MARATHONS IN 30 DAYS for the SAFE DRINKING WATER. Follow David on his facebook page www.facebook.com/WaterIsLife and you can also make a donation at http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/david-chri...