This is a partly remake of my former video of Prague (2007), because in some parts the graphical quality of that video was not so good. In no other city I visited, I felt such a strong interweaving of the past in the present. Some additional informatio...
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舊城廣場‧Staroměstské nám (Old Town Square) 舊城廣場向來是布拉格的核心所在,已是各國觀光客來到布拉格必遊地點。它也是布拉格之春和藍絲絨革命等政治改革運動的發起地點。遊客都慣稱這舊城廣場為--布拉格廣場。而布拉格廣場上有名的天文鐘又是布拉格廣場上的重要地標。天文鐘有三個鐘盤,下方是月曆盤,上方是時鐘和黃道,不過真正讓它聞名的是在天文鐘下方繪有十二宮圖的咕咕鐘,每到整點會打開鐘門報時,接著耶穌的12門徒人偶像會走出鐘門繞一圈,表演一下報時秀。 查理四世大橋‧Karlů...
Charles Bridge Prague with Prague Live Guide
Little bit funny shopping tour with two guides of Prague... The best shopping streets in Prague if you´d like to buy some clothes, bags, shoes or even the Czech Crystal or garnet.. To know more about Prague visit our website http://www.pragueliveguide....
Take a tour with me and you will not regret it! Funny, interesting and friendly guides with http://www.pragueliveguide.com
Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. Its historic center hosts more than 4 million tourists from all over the world. Be one of them and let us help you to get around Prague! visit our website http://www.pragueliveguide.com