International live on-line video stream from Prague conducted Varhan Orchestrovic Bauer. Vánoční koncert Okamžitého Filmového Orchestru – živý online video stream z Prahy.
Revisit the Faust legend as imagined by Surrealist Czech filmmaker Jan Švankmajer. This eerie interpretation of the Goethe tale about a man who sells his soul to the devil combines dreamy subconscious fantasies, animation, puppets, and special effects ...
How To Build A 6 Figure Cryptocurrency Income! Join Bitconnect Here! Use code cZfGba and get 3% off every purchase on Genesis Mining! https://www.genes...
Steff shares how she created this fabulous paper bag pocket wallet mini album that has Mother's Day written all over it!! She show how easy it is to create using the new Engraver collection along with gorgeous flowers, trinkets and more! This project ....