Introducing Iron Orchid Decor. A versatile line created to make your living space beautiful. Learn all about our IOD Decor Stamps in this video. For more information visit www.primamarketinginc.com
Collage Canvas with Cari Fennell Thursday, January 15th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET This mixed canvas has texture, color and a blooming flower garden that will look amazing in your home or scrap room. We will be using new glass glitter, flowers, vellum and...
Remnants Magnetic Album with Frank Garcia Tuesday, February 2nd at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET Join Frank Garcia to see how he creates this timeless vintage style album using the new Vintage Emporium Collection. And see how amazing his new Memory Hardware Ma...
Bird’s Nest Terrarium with Keren Tamir Thursday, July 16th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET Bring a bit of nature into your home, with this stunning terrarium embellished with some of Prima’s finest embellishments and art mediums. Keren will show us step by ste...
Boheme II Album with Frank Garcia Tuesday, September 9th at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET/ 7:00pm UK Join Frank Garcia to create this sophisticated and gilded album, filled with character and old world charm! He will be creating this album from scratch, includ...
Love and Joy Holiday Card with Adrienne Ford Thursday, December 18th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 12/19-1:30pm Sydney Needing last minute ideas for Christmas? Join Adrienne on Live with Prima as she shares with you how to create a last minute card for that ...
Recorded on 4/15/2014 - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/primaflower Petite Mini Album with Frank Garcia Tuesday, April 15th at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET/ 6:00pm GMT/ 7:00pm UK Join Frank Garcia and create this sweet and petite min...
El Bandito with Fran Westmoreland Tuesday, June 30th at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET/ Join the show to see Fran create with the Altered Relics and Artifacts wooden tray featuring El Bandito, the pirate skull! The project features many textures incorporating i...
Doll House Journal Series with Julie Nutting Tuesday, August 26th at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET/ 7:00pm UK This month, Julie Nutting will be kicking off her Doll book series and completing a new entry every month until this sweet book is complete. Each mont...
Prima Quick Look: Vintage Emporium Collection. Take a stroll through the emporium of all things vintage! Vintage Emporium features subtle floral designs, beautiful vintage newsprints and musical sheets and much more!