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  • Date: 01/03/2016
    Views: 1,365
    On the westernmost tip of the Island of Flores, the town of Labuan Bajo, or also spelled Labuhan Bajo sits peacefully: a small fishing site with surprisingly comprehensive tourist facilities. The central logic for its wide range of amenities is the ext...
  • Date: 05/05/2015
    Views: 1,413
    Switzeland is getting ready for the summer holiday.
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,576
    Ferries to Spain: The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex constructed during the mid 14th century by the Moorish rulers of the Emirate of Granada in Al-Andalus, occupying the top of the hill of the Assabica on the southea...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,545
    The Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy are a series of nine groups of chapels and other architectural features created in northern Italy during the seventeenth and late sixteenth century. They are dedicated to various aspects of the Christian faith a...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,584
    Castel del Monte (Italian: Castle of the Mount) is a 13th century castle situated in Andria in the Apulia region of southeast Italy. It was built by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II some time between 1240 and 1250; it has been despoiled of its inter...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,638
    Machu Picchu is a pre-Columbian Inca site located 2,430 metres (7,970 ft) above sea level. It is situated on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru, which is 80 kilometres (50 mi) northwest of Cuzco and through which the Urubamba River flow...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,573
    Rom ist die Hauptstadt Italiens. Mit zirka 2,7 Mio. Einwohnern im Stadtgebiet sowie rund 3,3 Mio. Einwohnern als Agglomeration ist sie die größte Stadt Italiens. Rom liegt in der Region Latium an den Ufern des Flusses Tiber. Die nicht zuletzt wegen ihr...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,546
    Memphis was the ancient capital of Aneb-Hetch, the first nome of Lower Egypt. Its ruins are located near the town of Helwan, south of Cairo. According to legend related by Manetho, the city was founded by the pharaoh Menes around 3000 BC. Capital of Eg...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,569
    Ferries to Greece: Mystras was a fortified town in Morea (the medieval Peloponnese), on Mt. Taygetos, near ancient Sparta. In the 14th and 15th centuries, it served as the capital of the Byzantine Despotate of the Morea, exper...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,556
    Westminster is an area of Central London, within the City of Westminster, England. It lies on the north bank of the River Thames, southwest of the City of London and 0.5 miles (0.8 km) southwest of Charing Cross. It has a large concentration of Londons...