PRIMA.TV Webcasting Worldwide Anywhere
International live on-line video stream from Prague conducted Varhan Orchestrovic Bauer. Vánoční koncert Okamžitého Filmového Orchestru – živý online video stream z Prahy.
A new study suggests that returning feral horses to grasslands in Czech Republic could increase populations of some threatened butterfly species. https://www.oneearth.org/horses-can-help-threatened-butterfly-species/
ROZHOVORY ZE ŠALAMOUNKY - SPECIÁL Pozastavený svět – unikátní rozhovor s Čechy žijícími v zahraničí. Živě z Lucerna Music Baru s Jardou Vavřinou. 20 Čechů žijících v nejrůznějších koutech světa, 3 hosté z řad odborníků a jedno téma, které nás všechny s...
How To Build A 6 Figure Cryptocurrency Income! https://bitcoinmastery.teachable.com/?affcode=118725_onyjh0we Join Bitconnect Here! https://bitconnect.co/?ref=CryptoNickk Use code cZfGba and get 3% off every purchase on Genesis Mining! https://www.genes...
Mixed Media Cigar Lid with Limor Webber Thursday, September 11th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET/-9/12- 11:30am Sydney This playful project is packed with creative ideas and fun elements that make this a show stopper piece. Join Limor for this technique savvy ...
In this installment of Prima Quick Tips, we share with you an easy way to use our Resist Canvas with our amazing Color Bloom Spray Mists! Spray, dry, and craft!
Hello, Beautiful Layout with Jamie Dougherty 12:00pm PT/ 3:00pm ET/ 7:00pm GMT The Hello, Pastel Collection by Prima offers a soft color palette, fun elements and an array of images that can be easily used for almost any occasion or theme. Jamie will s...
Come and join us on ustream, Tues. July 1st at 11am PDT for a look at the new Bloom Collection by Jamie Dougherty. She will show you how to recreate this fun tote...perfect for the beach, books, or those scrapbooking supplies ;) - Captured Live on Ustr...