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  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,571
    MANTUA AND SABBIONETA. Mantua (Italian: Màntova About this sound listen (help·info), in the local dialect of Emilian language Mantua) is a city and comune in Lombardy, Italy and capital of the province of the same name. Mantuas historic power and influ...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,576
    Ferries to Spain: The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex constructed during the mid 14th century by the Moorish rulers of the Emirate of Granada in Al-Andalus, occupying the top of the hill of the Assabica on the southea...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,537
    Ferries to Sicily: Syracuse is a historic city in southern Italy, the capital of the province of Syracuse. The city is notable for its rich Greek history, culture, amphitheatres, architecture, and as the birthplace of the pree...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,574
    Versailles is a city renowned for its château, the Palace of Versailles, was the de facto capital of the kingdom of France for over a century, from 1682 to 1789. It is now a wealthy suburb of Paris and remains an important administrative and judicial c...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,546
    Memphis was the ancient capital of Aneb-Hetch, the first nome of Lower Egypt. Its ruins are located near the town of Helwan, south of Cairo. According to legend related by Manetho, the city was founded by the pharaoh Menes around 3000 BC. Capital of Eg...