International live on-line video stream from Prague conducted Varhan Orchestrovic Bauer. Vánoční koncert Okamžitého Filmového Orchestru – živý online video stream z Prahy.
A new study suggests that returning feral horses to grasslands in Czech Republic could increase populations of some threatened butterfly species. https://www.oneearth.org/horses-can-help-threatened-butterfly-species/
Revisit the Faust legend as imagined by Surrealist Czech filmmaker Jan Švankmajer. This eerie interpretation of the Goethe tale about a man who sells his soul to the devil combines dreamy subconscious fantasies, animation, puppets, and special effects ...
Colorful Canvas Tote with Jen Matott (Designer for Faber Castel) Thursday, May 31st at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET/ 1:30am GMT This class will explore different mixed media techniques using both Faber-Castell DMC and Prima products. Jennifer Matott will lead ...
At Home with Frank Series Part 1-Altered Jewelry Box Tuesday, May 7th at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET/ 6:00pm GMT/ 7:00pm UK, Ire To kick off this series of classes, Frank has created a beautiful jewelry chest to hold all of your precious treasures! This proj...